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Matua, e amata ia fa'ata'ita'iga lelei

Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development

Matagaluega o Tinā ma Tama’ita’i, Atina’e o Afioaga ma Aga Feso’ota’i

Office of the CEO

Loau Donina Tili Vaa

Chief Executive Officer

To represent the community development sector and Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development in all other sectors in Samoa, including Pacific region and internationally

  • Ensure effective liaison with the Office of the Minister for Women,Community and Social Development
  • Ensure coordination of the CEO’s appointments
  • Ensure efficient coordination of Executive Management Team,Management Committee and whole of staff meetings
  • Ensure proper preparation and timely submissions of Cabinet Papers and STSC applications and necessary follow up on Cabinet directives
  • Ensure expeditious completion of Policy and Planning documents and required reports
  • Ensure effective utilization of resources
  • Provide policy advice to Minister
  • Provide advice on processes and systems
  • Provide regular briefing statements/reports to Minister
  • Provide oversight to the implementation of Community Sector Plan
  • Provide oversight for the implementation of the Ministry’s Institutional Strengthening Project